Diagram object detection is the key basis of practical applications such as textbook question answering. Because the diagram mainly consists of simple lines and color blocks, its visual features are sparser than those of natural images. In addition, diagrams usually express diverse knowledge, in which there are many low-frequency object categories in diagrams. These lead to the fact that traditional data-driven detection model is not suitable for diagrams. In this work, we propose a gestalt-perception transformer model for diagram object detection, which is based on an encoder-decoder architecture. Gestalt perception contains a series of laws to explain human perception, that the human visual system tends to perceive patches in an image that are similar, close or connected without abrupt directional changes as a perceptual whole object. Inspired by these thoughts, we build a gestalt-perception graph in transformer encoder, which is composed of diagram patches as nodes and the relationships between patches as edges. This graph aims to group these patches into objects via laws of similarity, proximity, and smoothness implied in these edges, so that the meaningful objects can be effectively detected. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed GPTR achieves the best results in the diagram object detection task. Our model also obtains comparable results over the competitors in natural image object detection.
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Fine-grained classification and counting of bone marrow erythroid cells are vital for evaluating the health status and formulating therapeutic schedules for leukemia or hematopathy. Due to the subtle visual differences between different types of erythroid cells, it is challenging to apply existing image-based deep learning models for fine-grained erythroid cell classification. Moreover, there is no large open-source datasets on erythroid cells to support the model training. In this paper, we introduce BMEC (Bone Morrow Erythroid Cells), the first large fine-grained image dataset of erythroid cells, to facilitate more deep learning research on erythroid cells. BMEC contains 5,666 images of individual erythroid cells, each of which is extracted from the bone marrow erythroid cell smears and professionally annotated to one of the four types of erythroid cells. To distinguish the erythroid cells, one key indicator is the cell shape which is closely related to the cell growth and maturation. Therefore, we design a novel shape-aware image classification network for fine-grained erythroid cell classification. The shape feature is extracted from the shape mask image and aggregated to the raw image feature with a shape attention module. With the shape-attended image feature, our network achieved superior classification performance (81.12\% top-1 accuracy) on the BMEC dataset comparing to the baseline methods. Ablation studies also demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating the shape information for the fine-grained cell classification. To further verify the generalizability of our method, we tested our network on two additional public white blood cells (WBC) datasets and the results show our shape-aware method can generally outperform recent state-of-the-art works on classifying the WBC. The code and BMEC dataset can be found on https://github.com/wangye8899/BMEC.
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Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting can dramatically improve the multi-step reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs). CoT explicitly encourages the LLM to generate intermediate rationales for solving a problem, by providing a series of reasoning steps in the demonstrations. Despite its success, there is still little understanding of what makes CoT prompting effective and which aspects of the demonstrated reasoning steps contribute to its performance. In this paper, we show that CoT reasoning is possible even with invalid demonstrations - prompting with invalid reasoning steps can achieve over 80-90% of the performance obtained using CoT under various metrics, while still generating coherent lines of reasoning during inference. Further experiments show that other aspects of the rationales, such as being relevant to the query and correctly ordering the reasoning steps, are much more important for effective CoT reasoning. Overall, these findings both deepen our understanding of CoT prompting, and open up new questions regarding LLMs' capability to learn to reason in context.
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Exploring dense matching between the current frame and past frames for long-range context modeling, memory-based methods have demonstrated impressive results in video object segmentation (VOS) recently. Nevertheless, due to the lack of instance understanding ability, the above approaches are oftentimes brittle to large appearance variations or viewpoint changes resulted from the movement of objects and cameras. In this paper, we argue that instance understanding matters in VOS, and integrating it with memory-based matching can enjoy the synergy, which is intuitively sensible from the definition of VOS task, \ie, identifying and segmenting object instances within the video. Towards this goal, we present a two-branch network for VOS, where the query-based instance segmentation (IS) branch delves into the instance details of the current frame and the VOS branch performs spatial-temporal matching with the memory bank. We employ the well-learned object queries from IS branch to inject instance-specific information into the query key, with which the instance-augmented matching is further performed. In addition, we introduce a multi-path fusion block to effectively combine the memory readout with multi-scale features from the instance segmentation decoder, which incorporates high-resolution instance-aware features to produce final segmentation results. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on DAVIS 2016/2017 val (92.6% and 87.1%), DAVIS 2017 test-dev (82.8%), and YouTube-VOS 2018/2019 val (86.3% and 86.3%), outperforming alternative methods by clear margins.
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Although weakly-supervised techniques can reduce the labeling effort, it is unclear whether a saliency model trained with weakly-supervised data (e.g., point annotation) can achieve the equivalent performance of its fully-supervised version. This paper attempts to answer this unexplored question by proving a hypothesis: there is a point-labeled dataset where saliency models trained on it can achieve equivalent performance when trained on the densely annotated dataset. To prove this conjecture, we proposed a novel yet effective adversarial trajectory-ensemble active learning (ATAL). Our contributions are three-fold: 1) Our proposed adversarial attack triggering uncertainty can conquer the overconfidence of existing active learning methods and accurately locate these uncertain pixels. {2)} Our proposed trajectory-ensemble uncertainty estimation method maintains the advantages of the ensemble networks while significantly reducing the computational cost. {3)} Our proposed relationship-aware diversity sampling algorithm can conquer oversampling while boosting performance. Experimental results show that our ATAL can find such a point-labeled dataset, where a saliency model trained on it obtained $97\%$ -- $99\%$ performance of its fully-supervised version with only ten annotated points per image.
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Weakly-supervised learning (WSL) has been proposed to alleviate the conflict between data annotation cost and model performance through employing sparsely-grained (i.e., point-, box-, scribble-wise) supervision and has shown promising performance, particularly in the image segmentation field. However, it is still a very challenging problem due to the limited supervision, especially when only a small number of labeled samples are available. Additionally, almost all existing WSL segmentation methods are designed for star-convex structures which are very different from curvilinear structures such as vessels and nerves. In this paper, we propose a novel sparsely annotated segmentation framework for curvilinear structures, named YoloCurvSeg, based on image synthesis. A background generator delivers image backgrounds that closely match real distributions through inpainting dilated skeletons. The extracted backgrounds are then combined with randomly emulated curves generated by a Space Colonization Algorithm-based foreground generator and through a multilayer patch-wise contrastive learning synthesizer. In this way, a synthetic dataset with both images and curve segmentation labels is obtained, at the cost of only one or a few noisy skeleton annotations. Finally, a segmenter is trained with the generated dataset and possibly an unlabeled dataset. The proposed YoloCurvSeg is evaluated on four publicly available datasets (OCTA500, CORN, DRIVE and CHASEDB1) and the results show that YoloCurvSeg outperforms state-of-the-art WSL segmentation methods by large margins. With only one noisy skeleton annotation (respectively 0.14%, 0.02%, 1.4%, and 0.65% of the full annotation), YoloCurvSeg achieves more than 97% of the fully-supervised performance on each dataset. Code and datasets will be released at https://github.com/llmir/YoloCurvSeg.
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In real teaching scenarios, an excellent teacher always teaches what he (or she) is good at but the student is not. This method gives the student the best assistance in making up for his (or her) weaknesses and becoming a good one overall. Enlightened by this, we introduce the approach to the knowledge distillation framework and propose a data-based distillation method named ``Teaching what you Should Teach (TST)''. To be specific, TST contains a neural network-based data augmentation module with the priori bias, which can assist in finding what the teacher is good at while the student are not by learning magnitudes and probabilities to generate suitable samples. By training the data augmentation module and the generalized distillation paradigm in turn, a student model that has excellent generalization ability can be created. To verify the effectiveness of TST, we conducted extensive comparative experiments on object recognition (CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-1k), detection (MS-COCO), and segmentation (Cityscapes) tasks. As experimentally demonstrated, TST achieves state-of-the-art performance on almost all teacher-student pairs. Furthermore, we conduct intriguing studies of TST, including how to solve the performance degradation caused by the stronger teacher and what magnitudes and probabilities are needed for the distillation framework.
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基因本体论(GO)是能够在生物医学中实现计算任务的主要基因功能知识基础。 GO的基本元素是一个术语,其中包括一组具有相同功能的基因。 GO的现有研究工作主要集中于预测基因术语关联。很少追求其他任务,例如生成新术语的描述。在本文中,我们提出了一项新颖的任务:GO术语描述生成。该任务旨在自动生成一个句子,该句子描述了属于这三个类别之一的GO术语的功能,即分子功能,生物过程和细胞分量。为了解决此任务,我们提出了一个可以有效利用GO结构信息的图形网络。提出的网络引入了两层图:第一层是GO术语的图形,每个节点也是一个图(基因图)。这样的图形网络可以得出GO术语的生物学功能并生成适当的描述。为了验证拟议网络的有效性,我们构建了三个大规模基准数据集。通过合并所提出的图形网络,可以在所有评估指标中显着提高七个不同序列与序列模型的性能,其中BLEU,Rouge-rouge-相对改善高达34.7%,14.5%和39.1% L和流星。
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The click-through rate (CTR) prediction task is to predict whether a user will click on the recommended item. As mind-boggling amounts of data are produced online daily, accelerating CTR prediction model training is critical to ensuring an up-to-date model and reducing the training cost. One approach to increase the training speed is to apply large batch training. However, as shown in computer vision and natural language processing tasks, training with a large batch easily suffers from the loss of accuracy. Our experiments show that previous scaling rules fail in the training of CTR prediction neural networks. To tackle this problem, we first theoretically show that different frequencies of ids make it challenging to scale hyperparameters when scaling the batch size. To stabilize the training process in a large batch size setting, we develop the adaptive Column-wise Clipping (CowClip). It enables an easy and effective scaling rule for the embeddings, which keeps the learning rate unchanged and scales the L2 loss. We conduct extensive experiments with four CTR prediction networks on two real-world datasets and successfully scaled 128 times the original batch size without accuracy loss. In particular, for CTR prediction model DeepFM training on the Criteo dataset, our optimization framework enlarges the batch size from 1K to 128K with over 0.1% AUC improvement and reduces training time from 12 hours to 10 minutes on a single V100 GPU. Our code locates at https://github.com/bytedance/LargeBatchCTR.
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